I have moved to the Orkney Islands with my wife and three kids , and the dog. This is an up to date account of my goings on mainly in picture form. I focus on wildlife and the changing seasons.
Thanks for looking and come back soon.
Sedge warblers i have located 8 singing males waiting for females. Dunnock on the Rape seed.
Male reed bunting holding his territory. Male Gadwall in the rain. Was nice to photograph these and have recently found the female sitting tight on eggs.
The biggest spot of the day and a beauty the female Montagues harrier at rspb Minsmere. a bird i tried to see last year but failed , this time we saw her and managed to watch her for a good hour. She even decided to land and eat some eggs!!!! Avocet . . . . . . . . beautiful Sand martin in flight a big thing to ask from my camera and lens but something to work on i think. Dartford warbler a bird i have always wanted to see and one we connected with on this day. Woodchat shrike a long stayer in winterton dunes and thanks to an old guy and his dog we managed to find him in the end. I would like to say a big thank you to Ben for driving :)
The Song thrush were busy collecting worms for their young so were brilliant to take photos of. Rock pipit the regular pair were still on site. Stonechat at south stack cliffs RSPB These nuthatch were building a nest on the caravan site so afforded some excellent photo opportunities.
A few of my favourite shots from a few locations in North Wales
Sandwich tern , Cemlyn Bay Whimbrel in flight Whimbrel One of my favourite things about Wales is the dry stone brick walls , this one was coated in moss and lichens. Grey heron Pied flycatcher Ringed plover Turnstone
My brother in law works on a farm and when he mucks out the cows the muck gets piled in a field. The muck attracts flies the flies attract fly eaters!!!!!!!!!! Pied wagtail Yellow wagtail Wheatear