I have moved to the Orkney Islands with my wife and three kids , and the dog. This is an up to date account of my goings on mainly in picture form. I focus on wildlife and the changing seasons.
Thanks for looking and come back soon.
These are the first pictures of two day trips to North Norfolk, well it is my birthday this week so as a treat i went birding , three life Ticks Great Skua , Hen Harrier and Grey pharalope. Had an awesome time and still believe that Norfolk is the birding mecca of the UK. I will upload some more in the coming days, hope you like.......
Sunday, 24 October 2010
So more from the garden, but i love it , this juvenile sparrowhawk was sitting on my feeder after the third failed attempt i took the picture through the conservatory window so very bad quality. Also the feeder is positioned a little way from the conservatory.
A pair of jays who i feed everyday are becomming my favourites in the garden and a pleasure to photograph so expect more of them.
i have anywhere up to 14 collared dove feeding in my garden and i have to say they are very co-opertive when it comes to taking there picture and although boring and common they are growing on me.
off to Norfolk tomorrow so hopefully something else apart from my garden next time i blog.
On the picture above you can clearly see the tree stump where i take most of the pictures the two pictures below are taken from a new part of the hide where i am on floor level and i really like these shots.
A very confiding Robin that took the tree stump as his new singing post.
Sitting in my hide waiting for the jay returned i heard a familiar call and hoping that the bird would fly to the tree stump in front of me ......... he did not disappoint
The Sprawk more commonly known as the sparrowhawk was one of the first birds i saw in my garden it was circling over looking for some poor unsuspecting bird to catch at lightning speed. i wanted to photograph these and this morning i had the oppurtunity. While taking pictures of the Jay's pictured at the bottom of this post everything was spooked and fled the front of the hide , after scanning around i found him.......... Apart from the couple of leaves in the way :( i loved watching him.
Since my last post i have been working on a hide in my garden with mixed results. Where i had it first i was too exposed and only a single robin came to visit. I then worked on concealing the hide and a sheet of camouflage material and here are the first of many photographs from this hide. Hide 2 is coming................